
On this page –

  1. Talks & Sermons a selection of the of talks and sermons that I have given. Some can be accessed in Through the Year (see below), and some have have been collected together in a series of Booklets.
  2. Corona Season Reflections – the Sunday Services and sermons that I wrote during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  3. The two sermons I gave when Parker Preacher in 2009/2010.
  4. Talks and Reflections for Advent and Lent are on the two sub-pages. 


I am happy to accept to invitations to preach, or to speak at events and seminars, to lead quiet days, Bible studies and retreats. This website gives an idea of the subjects that I usually address, but I also like the challenge of taking on something new. To contact me click here.  


On the day of the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II a group of us were at Tournay Abbey. The Abbot graciously invited me to celebrate a Requiem for her on that day; on the preceding Sunday he invited me to preach. The full version of my tribute can be read here.

The War in Ukraine raises again the problem of evil: Why do these appalling events happen? What motivates leaders like Vladimir Putin? Where does evil come from? In 2022 I spoke about this in a sermon entitled The Adversary and the Advocate; it can be read here.

In February 2023 I preached at the funeral of my friend and fellow priest, David Fentiman. I drew on the insights of Julian of Norwich to speak of the love that calls and holds us and will never let us go. It can be read here.


In 2022 I led Holy Week at Holy Trinity Church, Hurstpierpoint. The title of my talks is Follow Me: The Way of Jesus in a World of Conflict. The text of the talks can be accessed here.

1. Booklets

I have collected together some of my talks and sermons in an occasional series of booklets, which can be accessed on the Books page. There are five booklets so far:
My Strength and My Song (1991)
A Word in Season (2001)
Your Kingdom Come 

Deep Calls to Deep (2015)
Faithful is the One who Calls (2021) Print version only

2. Corona Season Reflections

During Lockdown I published an online service every Sunday: these are the talks that were included.

NOT WEEP FOR ME : A Holy Week Pilgrimage – read now
EASTER 2: Jesus appears to Thomas – read now
EASTER 3: The Lakeside – read now
EASTER 4: Jesus the Door – read now
EASTER 5: The True and Living Way – read now
EASTER 6: Jesus promises the Advocate – read now
ASCENSION DAY: Christ Triumphant! – read now
SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION: All Authority – read now
PENTECOST: The Gift of the Spirit – read now
TRINITY SUNDAY: Believing in the Trinityread now
TRINITY 1: Fishers of Men – read now
TRINITY 2: Following Jesus – read now
TRINITY 3: The Message of Peace – read now
TRINITY 4: Made in Heaven? – read now
ST BENEDICT: Change, Continuity and the Benedictine Way – read now
TRINITY 6: The Groan of Creation – read now
ST JAMES THE GREAT: A Letter from James: – read now
TRINITY 8: Feeding the Hungry – read now
TRINITY 9: A Holy People – read now
THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: The God-Bearer – read now
TRINITY 14: Forgivenessread now
TRINITY 15: Generous God The Spirit of the Lawsread now
TRINITY 16: By What Authority?read now
ST FRANCIS: St Francis of Assisi – read now
TRINITY 18: The Wedding Banquetread now
TRINITY 19: God and Ceasar – read now
LAST TRINITY: A Time of Remembrance read now
ALL SAINTS: The Great Cloud of Witnesses – read now
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY: From War to Peace – read now
TWO BEFORE ADVENT: The Darkness of God – read now
NEXT BEFORE ADVENT: Christ the King – read now
ADVENT 2020: Darkness to Light – read now
CHRISTMAS: God of Love – read now
CHRISTMAS 1: A New Start – read now
EPIPHANY: There Came Magi from the East – see below
BAPTISM OF JESUS: Renewing the Covenant – see below
EPIPHANY 2: The Voice of this Calling – see below
EPIPHANY 3: The Quest for Unity – read now
CANDLEMAS: I want to be – read now
TWO BEFORE LENT: A Moral Society – read now
NEXT BEFORE LENT / ST VALENTINE: Dwell in my Love – read now
ASH WEDNESDAY: Time and Eternity – read now
LENT 1: Repent and Believe – read now
LENT 2: Stand Firm in the Lord – read now
LENT 3: Missing the Mark – read now
LENT 4: Massah and Meribah – read now
LENT 5: Jesus and the Greeks – read now

3. Through the Year

A small selection of sermons and addresses following the seasons of the Church’s Year, not included in the booklets series (see above). I add to these from time to time. Talks for Advent and Lent will be found on the two sub-pages.

A Son is Given – a reflection for Christmas. Read now.

There came Magi from the East – William Dalrymple in his book In Zanadu gives some interesting information about the Magi, which I reflect on in my sermon for the Epiphany. Read now.

Renewing the Covenant – The Baptism of Jesus is celebrated on the first Sunday after Epiphany; it is a good time for Christians to renew their own commitment to Christ, and in this sermon I reflect on what this means. Read now.  

The Voice of this Callinga sermon for Epiphany 2 exploring God’s call to his people to be his witnesses, and the importance of prayer. Read now.

Fishers of Men – a sermon for Epiphany 3. Jesus called twelve disciples to be with him: What does it mean to be with Jesus in the world of Isis, Brexit and Trump? Read now.

The Well of Salvation – a sermon for Easter Day. Read Now.
The Adversary and the Advocate – see above

The Giver of Life a meditation for Pentecost. Read now.
The Sea Is All About Us – a meditation for Trinity Sunday. Its inspiration is largely drawn from T. S. Eliot’s poem The Dry Salvages, and is part of the collection published in A Word in Season (see Books). Read now.

The Dishonest Steward – a sermon on one of Jesus’ most puzzling sayings (Luke 16.1–13). Read now.

Lest We Forget – a sermon given at the annual Cambridge Regiment service at Ely Cathedral in 2003 in which I reflect on the moral case for the use of force. Read now

Winds of Change – a reflection on the Grenfell Tower Fire and the angry aftermath. Read now.

Not Again – As the depressing series of disasters and scandals continues what are the questions we really need to ask? How do we strengthen internal, moral controls rather than rely on external controls and better procedures? How do we build a moral society? Read now.

Sister Death – a meditation for All Souls Day based on a verse in St Francis’ Canticle of Brother Sun: ‘And thou most kind and gentle death / waiting to hush our latest breath. / Thou leadest home the child of God / And Christ our Lord the way hath trod.’  Read now

Mary Magdalene – 
A reflection for the Feast of St Mary Magdalene (July 22) Who was she and why do we honour her? Read now.

From War to Peace – 
a reflection for Remembrance Day. Read now.

4. The Parker Sermons

The first Elizabethan Archbishop of Canterbury Matthew Parker (1504–75), who came from Norfolk, became concerned about the spiritual state of the Norfolk clergy, and instituted an annual series of four sermons with the object of their spiritual improvement. Though the original need has gone, the series continues. The preacher is appointed by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Parker’s college, which houses his library. I was appointed Parker Preacher for 2009-10. It was an honour to be one in an unbroken line of preachers since 16th century. The preacher gives two sermons in successive years in three of the churches nominated by Archbishop Parker, and also in Norwich Cathedral. Read now.