NB Where sub-pages drop down, there is also content on the main page. Clicking on the page title will open that page.
ABOUT a biographical sketch introduces me, and there is also the text of an article I wrote about The Effect of Economics on Ethics.
TALKS collects together occasional talks and reflections on the Christian faith, including ‘A Word in Season’, a series of meditations through the Christian Year. The sub-pages, Advent and Lent, contain talks written for those seasons of the Christian Year, including two sets of meditations for Holy Week.
SPIRITUALITY includes materials about Prayer and Spiritual Direction. The sub-page Lectio Divina describes a way of praying with the Bible, or other devotional writing.
PILGRIMAGE & RETREATS explain what pilgrimage and retreats are about and give details of my recent and forthcoming pilgrimages and retreats. Pilgrimage also includes some of talks that I have given on pilgrimage. In Retreats you will find the addresses I gave for the Ely Ordination Retreat in 2005: The Living Reminder.
BOOKS gives details of my publications, most of which can be downloaded.
COURSES gives information about four courses covering the Bible, Worship, Prayer, and Christian Faith.
ST BENEDICT brings together materials on Benedictine Spirituality and Leadership.